Cuba! A highly underrated and seldomly visited country! I recently spent a week in Cuba and fell in love with the hospitality of the people there and the rich culture. It’s far too easy to ignore the vast poverty that envelops this country, but I am a firm believer in seeing every aspect of the place to which I go. The Cuban people need our love, support, and prayers. They are the kindest and truly the silliest people I have ever met, giving in abundance even while living with very little. It was so eye-opening to my own culture as an American in our often selfish and material attitudes. I’m incredibly grateful for the bright light that these people shine in their community and to the world!
And with that, here are a few adventures to help you discover the best things to do in Cuba!

Viñales National Park
Talk about beauty! Arriving at the park felt like stepping into a modern day Garden of Eden. The plant life, neon greens, and towering mountains made my jaw drop. It’s full of horses, cattle, and farms, as well as crazy looking trees and flowers! It is also a World Heritage Sight! I highly recommend checking out this website for endless possibilities of adventures, places to stay, and everything in between!

Catch a Ride in the Capital
One of the coolest things about Cuba is the amount of ancient cars are driving around. It feels like a step back in time! The second I got to Cuba, I was dying to hop into the backseat of the brightly colored convertibles that were zooming through the narrow streets of Havana. Thankfully, before leaving, the opportunity presented itself! You can book a tour around the capital with a tour guide showing you around in some crazy looking vehicles; you get to see all of the different parts of the city and also hear the history and stories from your driver. The best way to explore a new city in from the eyes of a local, so make sure to book one of these tours!
Click here for more information and bookings!

Ride a Horse to a Tobacco and Coffee Farm
For the more outdoorsy folk, this next adventure is perfect for you. Out in the countryside of Cuba, you can hop on a horse and giddyup to a farm which produces cigars, coffee, and the best honey you have ever tasted! There are tons of different tours that you can book, which I am going to link below! I went in the Pinar del Río region, which was full of mountains, animals, and exquisite plant life! However, you really can’t go wrong, as this area is full of tobacco leaves and horses… what else could you ever need?
Click here for a list of tours you can book!
Smoke a Cuban Cigar
Obviously. It has to be done!!! If you can find an authentic cigar right off of a farm, they tend to be much better! For example, in the below photos, this cigar’s tobacco leaves had been soaked in honey, vanilla, and rum (oh my!).

Take a Boat Tour in a Cave
I’ve been to caves all over the world… in Virginia, New Mexico, and Spain. However, the caves in Cuba rival them all! I have never hiked into a cave that has a full river inside! On this tour, you can explore these caves and then take a boat through, learning about the different types of rock formations, the history, and just absorbing the wonder of it all! I absolutely recommend this! The cave is called la Cueva del Indio. It’s also a great budget adventure because of the very cheap prices!
- Click here for more information about the caves.

Explore Havana
This is a given. There is simply so much to see! Havana is incredible and has incredible buildings and monuments. Even if you decide not to book a tour or rent a car, you can still see so much on foot! Here are a couple places you can’t miss when you start your Havana (ooh nah nah) adventure!
- Mercado de Artesania
- This two story market by the water is incredible! It has live music, fresh coconut water, and hundreds of vendors selling everything you can imagine!
- La Habana Vieja
- The old section of Havana is a must see.
- The beach / waterfront
- I’m a big fan of the water and loved walking down by the coast to see the boats and the many fishermen!
- El Capitolito
- This building is nearly identical to the US capitol! It’s a bit of a bizarre sight to stumble upon after seeing the rest of Cuba, but it was definitely a very cool thing to see!
- The big Cuba sign
- Pretty self-explanatory. There’s a big sign that says “Cuba”, and it has a cool little waterfall underneath.
- Plaza Vieja and all the side streets around it
- This was my favorite section of the city! It’s breathtaking and has a very European vibe to it. With big colorful buildings, arches, and wide open plazas, there is so much to see! Make sure to explore all of the side streets to find live music and delicious cafes!
- Plaza de Cathedral
- This is near Plaza Vieja and is also beautiful. You can enter the Cathedral for free; its a very interesting building. Cuban religion is a mix of Catholicism and ancient African idol worship, and it is very intriguing to see how that plays into their churches.
- El Morro
- These forts by the water are a sight to see, especially if you’re a big fan of history!
- Palacio De Los Capitanes Generales
- Another one for the history fans…